Garden Of The Gods

Garden of the Gods;

What an extremely magical and energetic place to be.

These rock formations are 300+ MILLION years old.

And the rocks themselves are said to actually BE the gods.

I cannot put into words the immense happiness and peace I felt while being here and admiring the land. I even put both hands on one of the rocks, closed my eyes, and meditated at one point. I could feel all the heaviness leaving my body and being replaced with such ease and calmness as I did this.

Nature always gives back, and keeps us grounded. I am so thankful to be able to experience such beautiful places and touch my skin to kiss and connect with some of the most exquisite places in the world.

You already know I was spider-monkeying these mf rocks.

I was sooooo fucking excited to touch these rocks when we first got there. I mean just look at my ass RUNNING to them.

Absolutely breathtaking.

I honestly think these are some of my favorite pictures of myself now. When I look at them I can feel how I felt in those present moments. My own smile makes me smile. Some of the most genuine of them I might add. Raw, authentic moments frozen in time.

I’d have to say this is probably one of my favorites of all the photos I took from being here that day.

I mean just LOOK at her. She’s beautiful.

Everything about this place made my soul light up, and I couldn’t stop saying how I wished I could just live inside one of the giant holes in the rocks, or off one of the trails. I won’t stop reiterating how magical this place felt to me.

My sweet sweet (literal) Earth angel and I <3

There are so many more pictures I have from this place, but I’m not sure how many more I will share.

While I love sharing parts of my life with others, some things are meant to be kept for me and my heart. To remain special and intimate.

I hope you enjoy(ed) what I have shared. And I hope it inspires you to get out and explore the world while you still have the choice and time to do so. The experiences you can never get back are what life is worth living for.